Everything you see is up for grabs



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3691 days

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published: true

The current political parties in the UK are not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

The Manifesto

We are writing a manifesto, but the whole point is that we build it together. It's easy to contribute. Do you feel strongly about some area of government policy? Why not add your ideas? Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!

We are writing a manifesto, but the whole point is that we build it together. It's easy to contribute. Do you feel strongly about some area of government policy? Why not add your ideas? Perhaps you can see something on here you disagree with? Nothing on this site is set in stone - everything and anything is up for discussion, amending, or changing entirely. Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

This pull request has been automatically generated by prose.io.


@philipjohn - about 10 years ago

👍 (just making that extra clear) ;)