Update energy.md



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3662 days

@mjnaber edited manifesto/energy.md - about 10 years ago

Resilience and Self-Sufficiency

We will ensure that energy is generated from a mixture of UK and EU supplies by working towards the EU-wide DC supergrid. All non-EU supplies of energy will be minimised and eventually stopped in order to protect UK from foreign coercion, or from incentivising an expeditionary foreign policy.

We will ensure that energy is generated from a mixture of UK and EU supplies by working towards the EU-wide DC supergrid. All non-EU supplies of energy will be minimised and eventually stopped in order to protect the UK from foreign coercion, or from incentivising an expeditionary foreign policy.

Green Power for the Public Sector

Remove confusing limitations currently in place about installations not created by accredited organisations to help individuals and small businesses get started.

Simplify buy back rates so that solar, wind, hydro and all other renewables share the same fixed tariff so as not to discriminate any one technology.

Simplify buy back rates so that solar, wind, hydro and all other renewables share the same fixed tariff so as not to discriminate against any one technology.

Fossil Fuel Industry


@mjnaber - about 10 years ago

Improve grammar (very minor)