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@Floppy edited manifesto/economy.md - about 10 years ago

In order to stimulate adoption of the living wage, and act as a good example, all public sector organisations and National Infrastructure Organisations will be required to pay employees at least a living wage.

Compulsory Purchase in the Public Interest

Patents and other forms of IP are used excercised for many globally important scientific and medical examples. Such protection is necessary for the organisations that produce the advancements, as they need to recoup the costs. A side effect, however, is that crucial cures and the like are subject to high costs and so spread slower than they perhaps could.

We will investigate a form of compulsory purchase aimed at important scientific advancements that would then place those advancements under an open license, encouraging wider use at lower cost.

Of huge importance to the investigation will be the need to establish a method of compensation that the scientific community can trust. Avoiding a chilling effect is essential - the comulsory purchase should be there to aid the adoption of advancements, not stifle research in the first place.

Tax Havens

Close down all tax havens under British jurisdiction. This means reforming tax rules in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, and others.

@Floppy edited manifesto/economy.md - about 10 years ago

The rate of Asset Tax for individuals will be harmonized with the rate of tax on earned income, and all allowances for each will be pooled, in order to ensure that work is rewarded and incentivised to the same extent as investment.


Investigate possible reforms to the way VAT is applied to goods and services with a view to making it less regressive and, ultimately, to remove the poorest from having to pay entirely. This may require renegotiating our obligations to the EU, which makes VAT compulsory for all member states.

Investigate possible reforms to the way VAT is applied to goods and services with a view to making it less regressive and, ultimately, to remove the poorest from having to pay entirely. This may require renegotiating our obligations to the EU, which makes VAT compulsory for all member states.

Social Security

In order to stimulate adoption of the living wage, and act as a good example, all public sector organisations and National Infrastructure Organisations will be required to pay employees at least a living wage.

Compulsory Purchase in the Public Interest

Patents and other forms of IP are used excercised for many globally important scientific and medical examples. Such protection is necessary for the organisations that produce the advancements, as they need to recoup the costs. A side effect, however, is that crucial cures and the like are subject to high costs and so spread slower than they perhaps could.

We will investigate a form of compulsory purchase aimed at important scientific advancements that would then place those advancements under an open license, encouraging wider use at lower cost.

Of huge importance to the investigation will be the need to establish a method of compensation that the scientific community can trust. Avoiding a chilling effect is essential - the comulsory purchase should be there to aid the adoption of advancements, not stifle research in the first place.

Tax Havens

Close down all tax havens under British jurisdiction. This means reforming tax rules in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, and others.

@Floppy edited manifesto/housing.md - about 10 years ago

Residential properties that have been empty for more than 12 months will automatically attract a 100% increase in council tax.

A landlord of a property that has been unnocuppied for 12 months or more can, once the property has been occupied for 12 months or more, claim a 6 month rebate on the council tax paid before the property was occupied.

A landlord of a property that has been unoccupied for 12 months or more can, once the property has been occupied for 12 months or more, claim a 6 month rebate on the council tax paid before the property was occupied.

Government-backed lending schemes will be offered to landlords with unoccupied residential properties that require refurbishment or repair in order to get them back into use.

Government-backed lending schemes will be offered to landlords with unnoccupied residential properties that require refurbishment or repair in order to get them back into use.

Rental Sector

@Floppy edited manifesto/infrastructure.md - about 10 years ago

layout: policy

published: true

  • table of contents
  • table of contents


How do we ensure an effective and sustainable national infrastructure?

National Infrastructure in the National Interest

Too much of the national instructure that society relies heavily upon is operated for private profit. The predictable result being:

Too much of the national infrastructure that society relies heavily upon is operated for private profit. The predictable result being:

  • profits line the pockets of shareholders, instead of being used to improve services
  • shareholders often squirrel away their dividends in tax havens, witholding much needed tax revenue that can be used to benefit society

[^1]: In the case of BT, the business would be broken up to separate the infrastructure (ducts, cabinets, poles, exchanges) from the commercial business and only the infrastructure side would become subject to the national infrastructure regulation [^2]: In a similar way to BT's telephone infrastructure, mobile operators would be required to transfer their ownership of masts into NIOs with the rest of their business remaining fully private

@Floppy edited manifesto/science.md - about 10 years ago

layout: policy

published: true

  • table of contents
  • table of contents


How do we stimulate and support scientific discovery in the UK?

Compulsory Purchase in the Public Interest

Patents and other forms of IP are used excercised for many globally important scientific and medical examples. Such protection is necessary for the organisations that produce the advancements, as they need to recoup the costs. A side effect, however, is that crucial cures and the like are subject to high costs and so spread slower than they perhaps could.

Patents and other forms of IP are used exercised for many globally important scientific and medical examples. Such protection is necessary for the organisations that produce the advancements, as they need to recoup the costs. A side effect, however, is that crucial cures and the like are subject to high costs and so spread slower than they perhaps could.

We will investigate a form of compulsory purchase aimed at important scientific advancements that would then place those advancements under an open license, encouraging wider use at lower cost.

Of huge importance to the investigation will be the need to establish a method of compensation that the scientific community can trust. Avoiding a chilling effect is essential - the comulsory purchase should be there to aid the adoption of advancements, not stifle research in the first place.

Of huge importance to the investigation will be the need to establish a method of compensation that the scientific community can trust. Avoiding a chilling effect is essential - the compulsory purchase should be there to aid the adoption of advancements, not stifle research in the first place.

Encourage Diverse and Ambitious Scientific Research in Academia

Exploit the wide range of expertise in the full range of academic institutions by reducing the research councils emphasis on centralizing research in a few large institution.

Exploit the wide range of expertise in the full range of academic institutions by reducing the research councils emphasis on centralising research in a few large institutions.

Make research proposals fully anonymous during review to remove both intentional and unintentional bias due to the individual proposer or proposer's institution.