End royal secrecy



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3517 days

@Floppy edited manifesto/democracy.md - over 9 years ago

Cabinet appointments will be subject to a vote of approval by the House of Commons.

Royal Secrecy

Fully include of the monarchy within the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), so that the royal household is legally obliged to respond to information requests[^2].

Repeal existing exemptions from the FOIA that allow communications between other government bodies and the members of the royal family to be kept secret.

Adopt full disclosure of royal lobbying and influence, including disclosure of meetings between members of the royal family and ministers.


To become a truly democratic country, the UK should become a republic. The monarchy would be replaced with an elected President who will act as Head of State. We recommend the model proposed by Republic.

To become a truly democratic country, the UK should become a republic. As a long-term goal, the monarchy would be replaced with an elected President who will act as Head of State. We recommend the model proposed by Republic.

The President would be mainly a ceremonial position, and should be apolitical and not affiliated to any party. The Prime Minster would remain as Head of Government, and would be appointed by the President after a General Election, as is the case with the Queen now. The President will not be involved in the legislative process.

Investigate the feasibility of direct digital democracy - using online tools to gradually replace representative democracy with increased direct participation in the legislative process by all electors.

[^1]: Do we need a written constitution? - The Constitution Society


@Floppy - over 9 years ago

Make monarchy subject to FOI and disclosure of meetings with government, as suggested by Republic: http://republic.org.uk/what-we-do/current-campaigns/campaign-against-royal-secrecy