An end to Consumption and Consumerism



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3486 days

@PaulJRobinson edited manifesto/ - over 9 years ago

The state should not seek to incentivise marriage through the tax system. But it should recognise family household units whether married, unmarried or in a civil partnership. It is therefore proposed that a non-working adult's personal income tax allowance may be transferred in full to another working adult residing in the same household. Only one transfer would be allowed per household.

Never-ending Consumption and Consumerism

Our entire society and economy is centred around the principle of continued economic growth driven by ever increasing consumption. Everyone in society is put under pressure to put in more hours at work, to aim for the next promotion, to get a better salary, to get a bigger house and fill it with more things - depsite the fact this rarely leads to increased happiness or contentment. We feel pressure to do so because it's expected of us, because of peer and family pressure, and because of the constant stream of advertising on the web, TV, radio and billboards. The Government encourage this in order to grow the economy forever more, whilst ignoring the fact it creates feelings of peer inadequacy, is causing chronic physical and mental exhaustion in our workforce, is fuelling an obesity crisis, and is hugely damaging to our natural environment.

This manifesto would encourage the Government to recognsise that this is hugely damaging, and to take an alternative approach that would provide a sustainable economy with a greater emphasis on physical and mental wellbeing, to pursue careers that focuses on self-development and professional contentment, and to steer society away from consumerism.


@PaulJRobinson - over 9 years ago

Putting an end to the idea that retail therapy will make us happy.


@philipjohn - over 9 years ago

It's not a policy as such, is it, but worth saying 👍


@PaulJRobinson - over 9 years ago

Good amendment. I shall update the PR.

*Paul *

On 11 October 2014 13:16, philipjohn [email protected] wrote:

It's not a policy as such, is it, but worth saying [image: 👍]

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .


@digitalWestie - over 9 years ago

I'd like to add a few things on how we approach this problem but yes 👍 to principle.

I think we should argue for a redefinition of growth. I think somewhere else in the manifesto we've touched on alternative measures etc., so yeah... I'll add thoughts soon.

@PaulJRobinson edited manifesto/ - over 9 years ago

The state should not seek to incentivise marriage through the tax system. But it should recognise family household units whether married, unmarried or in a civil partnership. It is therefore proposed that a non-working adult's personal income tax allowance may be transferred in full to another working adult residing in the same household. Only one transfer would be allowed per household.

Never-ending Consumption and Consumerism

Our entire society and economy is centred around the principle of continued economic growth driven by ever increasing consumption. Everyone in society is put under pressure to put in more hours at work, to aim for the next promotion, to get a better salary, to get a bigger house and fill it with more things - depsite the fact this rarely leads to increased happiness or contentment. We feel pressure to do so because it's expected of us, because of peer and family pressure, and because of the constant stream of advertising on the web, TV, radio and billboards. The Government encourage this in order to grow the economy forever more, whilst ignoring the fact it creates feelings of peer inadequacy, is causing chronic physical and mental exhaustion in our workforce, is fuelling an obesity crisis, and is hugely damaging to our natural environment.

We recognsise that this is hugely damaging, and to take an alternative approach that would provide a sustainable economy with a greater emphasis on physical and mental wellbeing, to pursue careers that focuses on self-development and professional contentment, and to steer society away from consumerism.


@philipjohn - over 9 years ago

👍 from me still.

@digitalWestie Are you still happy with Paul's latest changes?