Local hustings for general elections



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3378 days

@philipjohn edited manifesto/democracy.md - about 9 years ago

Reduce the age of voting at Local Elections and to the Welsh Assemby (ie to non-legislative bodies) to those aged 15 to encourage youth participation in democracy prior to enjoying full voting right at 16.

We'll give the Electoral Commission and local authorities a new responsibility to enable and/or host local election hustings between all the candidates in general elections.

Recall of Representatives

Allow for full and proper recall of MPs: any e-petition to recall their MP supported by 20% of all registered constituency electors should trigger a local referendum (yes/no majority vote required) as to whether to hold a fresh byelection.


@Floppy - about 9 years ago

👍 definitely. There should be some official hustings hosted by the organisation running the vote.


@tmtmtmtm - about 9 years ago

Is this a responsibility to ensure that at least one public husting takes place? I'm not sure the current wording says that (You can enable something without it actually happening.)


@Floppy - about 9 years ago

Perhaps it should be a "duty to ensure that at least one independent public hustings takes place and is promoted to all constituents". That way they have the option to work with other organisations if that's more effective.


@Floppy - about 9 years ago

I've followed this up with #292 which refines the wording slightly.