Insert conditions for the de-listing of PKK as violence has returned to Turkey



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3144 days


@digitalWestie - over 8 years ago

The peace process has failed and the PKK have returned to bombings meanwhile the Turkish authorities have imposed curfews on Kurdish cities, refuse medical aid, and are becoming violent with the population. The govt. and govt. supporting media now wilfully conflate PKK with HDP (elected pro-Kurdish party). 50 HDP offices around Turkey have come under attack. I ask that the policy be changed as the situation (regrettably) has changed.

@digitalWestie edited manifesto/ - over 8 years ago

title: Foreign Policy

layout: policy published: true

  • table of contents {:toc}

What policies should we adopt in our relations with other countries?

Internationalist Stance

We believe that a clear view of the role that the UN, EU, NATO and other international bodies play in reducing the likelihood of war should be clearly and unambiguosly communicated to the electorate.

The UK should also use it's membership of such bodies to influence them to reinforce this role and use this peaceful approach whenever possible to avoid conflict.

The UK should also use its membership of such bodies to influence them to reinforce this role and use this peaceful approach whenever possible to avoid conflict.

Foreign Aid

We will maintain the UK's committment to the UN Millennium Project agreement of allocating 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) to Overseas Development Assistance. These funds will be kept separate from military spending; any required security, demobilisation, or peacekeeping expenses will be seperately funded, from Defence budgets.

European Union

We will remain a part of the EU, and we will campaign for:

  • Major reform or removal of the Common Agricultural Policy, to operate in harmony with the natural environment and remove market distortions.
  • Britain to remain outside of the Eurozone.
  • Reform of fishing policy and quotas, reducing waste and allowing fish stocks to recover for the long term future of EU fisheries.
  • Reform of the Emissions Trading Scheme (see Environment for more details).
  • Increased democratic control of EU institutions, with improved accountability and transparency.
  • A reduction in bureaucracy and inefficiency.
  • A reduction in bureaucracy and inefficiency, e.g. making Brussels the permanent home of the EU and abolish the Strasbourg Parliament.

Arms Trading

Resist the adoption of international treaties that could allow unelected institutions to have a chilling effect on government policy that is in the public interest of UK voters. A current example is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) process in the TTIP treaty currently under negotiation[^1], which undermines democratic processes and could prevent the government taking action which benefits the UK if it causes potential losses for foreign investors.

Recognition of Palestine

The UK should join many other countries around the world, as well as the UN, and officially recognise Palestine as a sovereign state. This is in line with our existing national preference for a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict in accordance with international law.

Use our financial status for ethical ends

We should use our significant financial position within the global economy to help us achieve our ethical foreign policy goals. We should impose financial and trade restrictions against states who pursue aggressive or expansionist policies against their neighbours, or anti-democratic or oppressive policies against their own citizens.

Repatriation of the Chagossians to the British Indian Ocean Territory

The UK should repatriate fully the natives of the Chagos Archipelagos that were evicted illegally by the British government between 1967 and 1973. All descendants of those originally evicted should be given the option to return. A referendum should then be held from those that choose to return to decide what to do with Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia which is currently based on the islands.

The UK should revoke the Chagos Marine Protected Area as it was founded under the auspices of a legitimate environmental project, when it was later revealed to be a plot by the Americans to keep the Chagossians off the islands, and it was also declared illegal on 18 March 2015 by the UN's Permanent Court of Arbitration.

PKK and Turkey Peace Process

We recognise that the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) has attempted to turn to peaceful means to secure rights for the Kurdish people[^2]. We also note the PKK's leadership in resisting the brutality of the ISIS forces in the Middle East. We therefore wish to delist the PKK as a terrorist organisation should it commit itself to disarming in Turkey and re-engaging in the peace process.


@Floppy - over 8 years ago

Makes a lot of sense, but this PR suffers from being based off an old version due to my dodgy editor code. 👍 for the sentence added: "We therefore wish to delist the PKK as a terrorist organisation should it commit itself to disarming in Turkey and re-engaging in the peace process."