Add working test suite



Vote Score



2733 days

@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 7 years ago

_site Gemfile.lock

@Floppy edited .ruby-version - over 7 years ago


@Floppy edited .travis.yml - over 7 years ago

language: ruby rvm: - 2.3.1 sudo: false cache: bundler

@Floppy edited Gemfile - over 7 years ago

source ''

gem 'rake' gem 'github-pages' gem 'html-proofer'

@Floppy edited Rakefile - over 7 years ago

require 'html-proofer'

task :rebuild do sh "rm -rf _site" sh "bundle exec jekyll build" end

task :htmlproofer => :rebuild do ignored = [ "" ] HTMLProofer.checkdirectory("./site", typhoeus: {sslverifypeer: false, timeout: 30}, urlignore: ignored, checkhtml: true, assumeextension: ".html").run end

task :default => [:htmlproofer]

@Floppy edited _includes/page_tiles.html - over 7 years ago
@Floppy edited _layouts/default.html - over 7 years ago

<!DOCTYPE HTML> {{ content }}


@Floppy - over 7 years ago

Add basic jekyll config, HTMLProofer test, and travis config. Allows meaningful tests to be carried out.

@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 7 years ago

_site Gemfile.lock

@Floppy edited .ruby-version - over 7 years ago


@Floppy edited .travis.yml - over 7 years ago

language: ruby rvm: - 2.3.1 sudo: false cache: bundler

@Floppy edited Gemfile - over 7 years ago

source ''

gem 'rake' gem 'github-pages' gem 'html-proofer'

@Floppy edited Rakefile - over 7 years ago

require 'html-proofer'

task :rebuild do sh "rm -rf _site" sh "bundle exec jekyll build" end

task :htmlproofer => :rebuild do ignored = [ "" ] HTMLProofer.checkdirectory("./site", typhoeus: {sslverifypeer: false, timeout: 30}, urlignore: ignored, checkhtml: true, assumeextension: ".html").run end

task :default => [:htmlproofer]

@Floppy edited _config.yml - over 7 years ago

exclude: ["vendor"]

@Floppy edited _includes/page_tiles.html - over 7 years ago
@Floppy edited _layouts/default.html - over 7 years ago

<!DOCTYPE HTML> {{ content }}

@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 7 years ago

_site Gemfile.lock

@Floppy edited .mdspell - over 7 years ago

language 'en_GB' ignored %w{ ABV Akrotiri anonymise Archives' Beeching Berne Bitcoin BT Carta CCS Chagos Chagossians children's citizens' decarbonisation decarbonise delist Dhekelia driverless equalities ETCS Eurozone Falklanders FOIA fracking frontline Gatwick GINI GitHub GNI GP healthcare Horsham incentivise incentivising IP IPCC IPSO ISDS ISP HTML Leveson localism Lothian LVT Magna MDMA MEP millennia Montreux MPA MP MUP mutuals neuropsychopharmacologist NHS NIO nootropics NSGT Nutt OFCOM OpenlyLocal OpenPolitics PKK PMSC preapprove prenegotiate Remembrancer roadmap searchable Soufrière STV supergrid termism TheyWorkForYou timeline TTIP unburnt unelected unwinnable VED workers' Weald Zealand }

@Floppy edited .ruby-version - over 7 years ago


@Floppy edited .travis.yml - over 7 years ago

language: ruby rvm: - 2.3.1 sudo: false cache: bundler

@Floppy edited Gemfile - over 7 years ago

source ''

gem 'rake' gem 'github-pages' gem 'html-proofer' gem 'mdspell'

@Floppy edited Rakefile - over 7 years ago

require 'html-proofer'

task :rebuild do sh "rm -rf _site" sh "bundle exec jekyll build" end

task :htmlproofer => :rebuild do ignored = [ "" ] HTMLProofer.checkdirectory("./site", typhoeus: {sslverifypeer: false, timeout: 30}, urlignore: ignored, checkhtml: true, assumeextension: ".html").run end

task :spellcheck do sh "mdspell . -c .mdspell" end

task :default => [:htmlproofer, :spellcheck]

@Floppy edited _config.yml - over 7 years ago

exclude: ["vendor"]

@Floppy edited _includes/page_tiles.html - over 7 years ago
@Floppy edited _layouts/default.html - over 7 years ago

<!DOCTYPE HTML> {{ content }}


@Floppy - over 7 years ago

No policy changes, merging.