


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (16):

State Title digitalWestie's vote
Changing wording for any voters that don't like private property Autumn-Leah
European policy - stay out of Eurozone. iconoclast86
Small grammar fix in EU policy Floppy
Repatriation of the Chagossians and revocation of the Chagos MPA andrewdwilliams
I added that the government should be re-organised to a bottom-up structure rather than a top-down. cowlesz
Teachers are educators, not counter-terrorism police philipjohn
Update contribution rules Floppy
Enforce living wage philipjohn
Poverty philipjohn
De-politicise the NHS philipjohn

Proposed (12):

State Title
Insert conditions for the de-listing of PKK as violence has returned to Turkey 3142d 2 0 0 digitalWestie
Devolve minimum wage policy 3292d 2 2 0 digitalWestie
De-list the PKK 3298d 2 0 0 digitalWestie
Adopt land value taxation 3419d 1 0 0 digitalWestie
Support worker owned enterprise 3445d 0 1 0 digitalWestie
An open registery of land ownership 3472d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
Parishes and CCs as the seat of LA policy making 3476d 0 1 0 digitalWestie
LA power to encourage/discourage behaviour re: waste collection & recycling 3477d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
UK to declare itself nuclear arms free zone 3479d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
Make local government local 3481d 0 0 1 digitalWestie