Make the Press Complaints Commission independent of the press industry



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3694 days

@Floppy edited manifesto/ - about 10 years ago
  • table of contents {:toc}

What should we do to enhance culture, and how should we ensure a robust but ethical media landscape?

What should we do to enhance culture, and how should we ensure a robust but ethical media landscape?

Press Complaints Commission

The PCC, currently a voluntary body run by the same people who it covers, should become an independent regulator (perhaps as part of OFCOM).

The PCC remit would remain narrow to avoid political interference in a free press, which is an essential component of a functioning democracy, but it should have powers to:

  • force publication of corrections in a particular format
  • apply substantial fines to news organisations which breach the Editor's Code[^1]
  • adjudicate on whether invasions of privacy by the press are truly in the public interest

The Editor's Code should include a clause barring discrimination and hate speech against a group, not just against individuals.

[^1]: PCC Editor's Code of Practice


@philipjohn - about 10 years ago

Isn't this kind of moot, given Leveson and that the PCC is disbanding itself anyway?

👎 in the hope of something more Leveson-based.


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

Ah, my knowledge is out of date then. Withdrawing.