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3659 days

@Floppy edited _layouts/homepage.html - about 10 years ago

layout: page

layout: main

OpenPolitics logo

The OpenPolitics Project

The OpenPolitics Project


Help write the Manifesto


@Floppy edited _layouts/main.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}


@Floppy edited _layouts/page.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}

layout: main




    <img src="" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
    This content is dedicated to the public domain. See the <a href='{{site.baseurl}}license.html'>license</a> for details. You can <a href='{{page.path}}'>see all page changes</a> on GitHub. <a href='{{site.baseurl}}contributing.html'>Contributions</a> are welcome!

@Floppy edited _config.yml - about 10 years ago

name: OpenPolitics

tagline: An open source plan for the UK. Take control, and create the future you want.

markdown: kramdown


auto_ids: true

auto_ids: true

@Floppy edited _layouts/homepage.html - about 10 years ago

layout: page

layout: main

OpenPolitics logo

The OpenPolitics Project

The OpenPolitics Project


Help write the Manifesto


@Floppy edited _layouts/main.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}


@Floppy edited _layouts/page.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}

layout: main




    <img src="" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
    This content is dedicated to the public domain. See the <a href='{{site.baseurl}}license.html'>license</a> for details. You can <a href='{{page.path}}'>see all page changes</a> on GitHub. <a href='{{site.baseurl}}contributing.html'>Contributions</a> are welcome!

@Floppy edited _config.yml - about 10 years ago

name: OpenPolitics

tagline: An open source plan for the UK. Take control, and create the future you want.

markdown: kramdown


auto_ids: true

auto_ids: true

@Floppy edited _layouts/homepage.html - about 10 years ago

layout: page

layout: main

OpenPolitics logo

The OpenPolitics Project

The OpenPolitics Project


Help write the Manifesto


@Floppy edited _layouts/main.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}


@Floppy edited _layouts/page.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}

layout: main




    <img src="" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
    This content is dedicated to the public domain. See the <a href='{{site.baseurl}}license.html'>license</a> for details. You can <a href='{{page.path}}'>see all page changes</a> on GitHub. <a href='{{site.baseurl}}contributing.html'>Contributions</a> are welcome!

@Floppy edited - about 10 years ago

published: true

The current political parties in the UK are not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

This is a project to create a new kind of politics. We're starting by writing a manifesto, but we want everyone to build it together. Click the button above to start reading, and click "Edit" at the top right to add your own ideas.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

Everyone has ideas about the future - why not add yours? Perhaps you can see something on here you disagree with? Nothing on this site is set in stone - everything and anything is up for discussion, amending, or changing entirely. Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!

The Manifesto

We are currently not a registered political party, and do not know if we intend to become one, but we are aiming to have a complete-enough manifesto to be able to support candidates (either within a party or independent) in the 2015 general and local elections.

We are writing a manifesto for a new kind of politics, but the whole point is that we build it together. It's easy to contribute. Do you feel strongly about some area of government policy? Why not add your ideas? Perhaps you can see something on here you disagree with? Nothing on this site is set in stone - everything and anything is up for discussion, amending, or changing entirely. Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!


The current political landscape in the UK is not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

We are currently not a registered political party, and do not know if we intend to become one, but we are aiming to have a complete-enough manifesto to be able to support candidates (either within a party or independent) in the 2015 general and local elections.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

There are many people thinking about the new opportunities that the Internet brings to government; we aim to put some of those ideas into practice, and give people something to vote for, starting here.

Background Reading

@Floppy edited _config.yml - about 10 years ago

name: OpenPolitics

tagline: An open source plan for the UK. Take control, and create the future you want.

markdown: kramdown


auto_ids: true

auto_ids: true

@Floppy edited _layouts/homepage.html - about 10 years ago

layout: page

layout: main

OpenPolitics logo

The OpenPolitics Project

The OpenPolitics Project


Help write the Manifesto


@Floppy edited _layouts/main.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}


@Floppy edited _layouts/page.html - about 10 years ago

<!DOCTYPE html> {{}}{% if page.title %}: {{page.title}}{% endif %}

layout: main




    <img src="" style="border-style: none;" alt="CC0" />
    This content is dedicated to the public domain. See the <a href='{{site.baseurl}}license.html'>license</a> for details. You can <a href='{{page.path}}'>see all page changes</a> on GitHub. <a href='{{site.baseurl}}contributing.html'>Contributions</a> are welcome!

@Floppy edited - about 10 years ago

published: true

The current political parties in the UK are not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

This is a project to create a new kind of politics. We're starting by writing a manifesto, but we want everyone to build it together. Click the button above to start reading, and click "Edit" at the top right to add your own ideas.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

Everyone has ideas about the future - why not add yours? Perhaps you can see something on here you disagree with? Nothing on this site is set in stone - everything and anything is up for discussion, amending, or changing entirely. Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!

The Manifesto

We are currently not a registered political party, and do not know if we intend to become one, but we are aiming to have a complete-enough manifesto to be able to support candidates (either within a party or independent) in the 2015 general and local elections.

We are writing a manifesto for a new kind of politics, but the whole point is that we build it together. It's easy to contribute. Do you feel strongly about some area of government policy? Why not add your ideas? Perhaps you can see something on here you disagree with? Nothing on this site is set in stone - everything and anything is up for discussion, amending, or changing entirely. Your contribution doesn't have to be huge - everything helps!


The current political landscape in the UK is not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

We are currently not a registered political party, and do not know if we intend to become one, but we are aiming to have a complete-enough manifesto to be able to support candidates (either within a party or independent) in the 2015 general and local elections.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

There are many people thinking about the new opportunities that the Internet brings to government; we aim to put some of those ideas into practice, and give people something to vote for, starting here.

Background Reading

@Floppy edited stylesheets/custom.css - about 10 years ago

h1 {

.navbar { border-bottom: 0px; }

.jumbotron { /* background-image: url(/images/logo.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position-right: 100px;*/

width: 100%; background-color: #033769; color: white; margin-top: -20px; border-radius: 0px !important;


h1 {

counter-reset: section; }

.policy h2:before {

.policy h2:before {

font-style: italic; content: counter(section) ". "; } counter-increment: paragraph; }

.policy > p:before {

.policy > p:before {

font-style: italic; content: counter(section) "." counter(paragraph) ". "; }

.policy > p:first-of-type, .homepage > p:first-of-type {

.policy > p:first-of-type, #homepage > p:first-of-type {

font-size: 125%; }


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

A new front page, with a more positive approach to make things hopefully more accessible. No policy changes.

screen shot 2014-04-14 at 08 59 24


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

good work 👍

with kind regards, Paul Robinson

On 14 April 2014 09:04, philipjohn [email protected] wrote:

[image: 👍] nice

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

If you're after colour schemes. How about a two-tone turquoise/tan?

screen shot 2014-04-15 at 13 17 08


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

The Incredible Hulk colour scheme works for me too. screen shot 2014-04-15 at 13 20 32


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

Oh, nice ideas, thanks for those. I'll have a play around.


@philipjohn - about 10 years ago

Hulk mad! Hulk want political change!


@Floppy - about 10 years ago



@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

So is that two thumbs up for the Hulk colour scheme? That would look awesome on our rosettes when campaigning.


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

Well, I'll certainly see if I can make it work :)

On 15 Apr 2014, at 19:45, Paul Robinson [email protected] wrote:

So is that two thumbs up for the Hulk colour scheme? That would look awesome on our rosettes when campaigning.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

Don't suppose there is a permanent link to that set of colours that you had the screenshot of above? Would help a bit...


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

no sorry. But you could enter the details that you can see on the screengrab when you go to In fact looking at the image, the scheme id is screen shot 2014-04-15 at 19 55 41


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago

I have no idea if that be used to recreate it. Alternatively these are the RGB details

screen shot 2014-04-15 at 19 55 26


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

A rough attempt at the hulk scheme. If this meets with any approval at all, I'll do it properly and do a proper PR.

screen shot 2014-04-15 at 20 39 54 screen shot 2014-04-15 at 20 40 08


@PaulJRobinson - about 10 years ago



@philipjohn - about 10 years ago

Green is a winner, I'm not so sure about that pink. It's very... pink. Could we tone it down slightly? Perhaps ... oh wait, crap, that's very UKIP


@Floppy - about 10 years ago

Yeah, it needs to be more purple. If the general consensus is that this is worth pursuing, I'll put a bit more work in and open a proper PR.

Code available on GitHub. Error tracking generously provided by Bugsnag.