Add some more introduction and guidelines



Vote Score



3895 days

@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago
@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago


(alphabetical order by surname)

@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago
@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago


(alphabetical order by surname)

@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago

How to contribute

Getting Started

  1. Get a GitHub account
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create new branch in your fork, named for the change you want to make.
  4. Make your changes on this branch.
  5. Submit a pull request back to the main repository.

If you have direct repository access, you can create a branch in the main repository instead of using a fork.

Don't forget to add yourself to the authors list in!

Merging Changes

For now, changes will be merged based on a simple vote in each pull request. Authors of successful pull requests will be given direct repository access, and thus can vote on future changes. This will have to change in future, but will do to start with.

The Rules

  • Anything can be changed.
  • All contributions and discussions are public, and should take place as part of a pull request.
  • Plain English is essential - follow the GDS style guide if you can.
  • Make changes small, self-contained, and simple. Large PRs will take a lot longer to get merged. Small is agile.
  • All content is public domain. By submitting a PR, you agree that you are putting your work into the public domain. See for details.


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago
@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago


(alphabetical order by surname)

@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago

How to contribute

Getting Started

  1. Get a GitHub account
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create new branch in your fork, named for the change you want to make.
  4. Make your changes on this branch.
  5. Submit a pull request back to the main repository.

If you have direct repository access, you can create a branch in the main repository instead of using a fork.

Don't forget to add yourself to the authors list in!

Merging Changes

For now, changes will be merged based on a simple vote in each pull request. Authors of successful pull requests will be given direct repository access, and thus can vote on future changes. This will have to change in future, but will do to start with.

The Rules

  • Anything can be changed.
  • All contributions and discussions are public, and should take place as part of a pull request.
  • Plain English is essential - follow the GDS style guide if you can.
  • Make changes small, self-contained, and simple. Large PRs will take a lot longer to get merged. Small is agile.
  • All content is public domain. By submitting a PR, you agree that you are putting your work into the public domain. See for details.


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago
@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago

The OpenPolitics Manifesto

This is where the actual manifesto will live.

A good way to start might be with some fundamentals. What are our basic tenets?

  • List
  • goes
  • here
@Floppy edited .gitignore - over 10 years ago


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago


The OpenPolitics Manifesto

This is an experiment.

The current political parties in the UK are not serving the public interest. There is not enough choice, little informed debate, and no challenge to the prevailing narrative. Those of us who believe in, and are working towards, a better future have nobody to represent us.

Please submit pull requests (PRs) to allow others to comment and critique ideas.

We believe that a better kind of government is possible; one based on openness, transparency, evidence, and citizen engagement. We believe that it is time for those of us who have a stake in the future to stand up, and change the system from the inside.

I guess when there is a majority then the PR gets merged. This is an experiment though, so let's find out!

The next UK general election is in 2015. We aim to field candidates in that election, and a platform for them to stand on.

You can start reading the manifesto by looking at

How to take part

This repository is an experiment in collaborative policy creation. Anyone can change or add something. See for details on how to start making your own changes.

You can also raise issues in the issue tracker for things that you think need doing.

@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago


(alphabetical order by surname)

@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago

How to contribute

Getting Started

  1. Get a GitHub account
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create new branch in your fork, named for the change you want to make.
  4. Make your changes on this branch.
  5. Submit a pull request back to the main repository.

If you have direct repository access, you can create a branch in the main repository instead of using a fork.

Don't forget to add yourself to the authors list in!

Merging Changes

For now, changes will be merged based on a simple vote in each pull request. Authors of successful pull requests will be given direct repository access, and thus can vote on future changes. This will have to change in future, but will do to start with.

The Rules

  • Anything can be changed.
  • All contributions and discussions are public, and should take place as part of a pull request.
  • Plain English is essential - follow the GDS style guide if you can.
  • Make changes small, self-contained, and simple. Large PRs will take a lot longer to get merged. Small is agile.
  • All content is public domain. By submitting a PR, you agree that you are putting your work into the public domain. See for details.


@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago
@Floppy edited - over 10 years ago

The OpenPolitics Manifesto

This is where the actual manifesto will live.

A good way to start might be with some fundamentals. What are our basic tenets?

  • List
  • goes
  • here


@Floppy - over 10 years ago

I figure actual policy can start collecting in The rest is meta.


@stringfellow - over 10 years ago

👍 And by majority 2/2, I guess we pull that.