0.8% of GDP for science funding



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3322 days


@Floppy - about 9 years ago

As proposed by Science is Vital (http://scienceisvital.org.uk/).

@Floppy edited manifesto/science.md - about 9 years ago
  • table of contents {:toc}

Science Funding

The UK should spend at least 0.8% of GDP on scientific research and development[^1]. 0.8% is the average amongst the G8 countries, and as of March 2015, the UK spends less than 0.5%[^2], one of the lowest in the G8.

Compulsory Purchase in the Public Interest

Patents and other forms of IP are used exercised for many globally important scientific and medical examples. Such protection is necessary for the organisations that produce the advancements, as they need to recoup the costs. A side effect, however, is that crucial cures and the like are subject to high costs and so spread slower than they perhaps could. Reduce the level of bureaucracy at the research councils in order to free up funding for more research.

Investigate the possibility of using online communities to perform more robust and wide-ranging reviews of scientific research project proposals.

[^1]: (Science is Vital)[http://scienceisvital.org.uk/] [^2]: (Tell Them Science is Vital)[http://scienceisvital.org.uk/tell-them-science-is-vital/]