Update merge procedure



Vote Score



3761 days

@Floppy edited contributing.md - over 10 years ago

Merging Changes

For now, changes will be merged based on a simple vote in each pull request. Authors of successful changes will be given direct access, and can vote on future changes. This will have to change in future, but it will do to start with.

Changes will be merged when a quorum of existing contributors have approved the pull request with a 'thumbs-up' symbol in the comments. Any contributor can block a merge by including a 'thumbs-down' symbol, as long as they include constructive reasoning and alternative proposals.

Once an author has had a change merged in, they will become an existing contributor and thus can vote on new changes.

The Rules


@Floppy - over 10 years ago

Based on current state of discussion in #1. If we're happy with this, we can close #1 until someone takes issue with the way it's working.

@Floppy edited contributing.md - over 10 years ago

Merging Changes

For now, changes will be merged based on a simple vote in each pull request. Authors of successful changes will be given direct access, and can vote on future changes. This will have to change in future, but it will do to start with.

Changes will be merged when a quorum of existing contributors have approved the pull request with a 'thumbs-up' symbol in the comments. Any contributor can block a merge by including a 'thumbs-down' symbol, as long as they include constructive reasoning and alternative proposals.

Once an author has had a change merged in, they will become an existing contributor and thus can vote on new changes.

The Rules


@Floppy - over 10 years ago

Merging due to lack of objections.