Introduce a "right to health"



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2835 days


@Floppy - almost 8 years ago

Make health a basic right for UK residents.

This right is intended as a fundamental underpinning for the NHS or equivalent system, and to make it part of the governments' core duties to ensure the health of citizens.

@Floppy edited - almost 8 years ago
  • table of contents {:toc}

The Right to Health

Introduce a "right to health", which makes access to healthcare a basic right for any resident of the UK. The Government will have a duty to ensure that every resident has access to quality healthcare, independent of their financial circumstances.

Depoliticisation and protection of the National Health Service

In order to support every citizen's basic right to medical care and health services, we will maintain and enhance the NHS, keeping it as a free service available to anyone in the UK.


@Floppy - almost 8 years ago

If this flies, I will be looking to codify other basic maslow-hierarchy needs into "rights", such as shelter. I figure that the government should have a duty to ensure citizens' most basic needs, at least at the physiological and safety levels.


@philipjohn - almost 8 years ago

Good idea 👍