Ban killer robots



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2624 days

@Floppy edited - about 7 years ago

We will establish a regulatory body for private military and security companies (PMSC) registered in the UK. All PMSCs will be required to register with this body and they will then either receive approval to operate as a PMSC or not. PMSCs will have to seek approval with the regulatory body before accepting operational deployments. A list of private military contractors that have been killed whilst in the service of these PMSCs will also be collated and published annually.

We will push for an international regulatory body and statutes for PMSCs around the world, possibly administered through the UN. The international body could potentially incorporate both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers.

We will push for an international regulatory body and statutes for PMSCs around the world, possibly administered through the UN. The international body could potentially incorporate both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers.

Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

Giving machines the power to decide who lives and dies on the battlefield is an unacceptable and dangerous application of modern technology[^killer-robots]. Development of lethal autonomous weapon systems will be made illegal in the UK.

We will work with the UN and other international bodies to create an international treaty, similar to the Geneva Convention, banning the development and use of lethal autonomous weapon systems.

+[^killer-robots]: Campaign to stop killer robots


@Floppy - about 7 years ago

Trying again with my failed proposal from before. In the words of the Terminator, "I'll be back".


@philipjohn - about 7 years ago

With the second para could we change it a bit to say "we will lead" or something to that effect?

@Floppy edited - about 7 years ago

We will establish a regulatory body for private military and security companies (PMSC) registered in the UK. All PMSCs will be required to register with this body and they will then either receive approval to operate as a PMSC or not. PMSCs will have to seek approval with the regulatory body before accepting operational deployments. A list of private military contractors that have been killed whilst in the service of these PMSCs will also be collated and published annually.

We will push for an international regulatory body and statutes for PMSCs around the world, possibly administered through the UN. The international body could potentially incorporate both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers.

We will push for an international regulatory body and statutes for PMSCs around the world, possibly administered through the UN. The international body could potentially incorporate both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers.

Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

Giving machines the power to decide who lives and dies on the battlefield is an unacceptable and dangerous application of modern technology[^killer-robots]. Development of lethal autonomous weapon systems will be made illegal in the UK.

We will lead the UN and other international bodies to create an international treaty, similar to the Geneva Convention, banning the development and use of lethal autonomous weapon systems.

+[^killer-robots]: Campaign to stop killer robots


@Floppy - about 7 years ago

@philipjohn tweaked a little, see what you think.


@anilliams - about 7 years ago

👍 Looks good to me


@Floppy - about 7 years ago

I think the update task has broken, so this comment is to ping the time check into life...