Some clarification of armed forces policy



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2615 days

@Xyleneb edited - about 7 years ago

UK Armed Forces should only be deployed within the context of the international organisations to which the UK belongs (such as the UN, EU and NATO) and with the overall aim of either reducing the likelihood of war or other armed conflict or protecting non-combatants (see Foreign Policy).

UK Armed Forces should be structured to focus on humanitarian, peace-keeping, peace enforcement, maritime search-and-rescue, mine and explosive ordnance clearance, anti-piracy, and counter-terrorism operations as well as providing support to UK emergency services during natural and civil disasters.

UK Armed Forces will be structured to focus on humanitarian, peace-keeping, peace enforcement, maritime search-and-rescue, mine and explosive ordnance clearance, anti-piracy, and counter-terrorism operations.

Parliamentary Oversight

All foreign deployment of UK Armed Forces, as well as the use of UK Special Advisers and the provision of military support in foreign conflict zones, should be subject to Parliamentary approval.

Defence Budget

Reviews of defence budgets should be tied to a review of commitments, not just expenditure, to ensure that UK Armed Forces are properly equipped and trained for role our defence and foreign policies are demanding of them.

Reviews of defence budgets will be tied to a review of commitments, not just expenditure, to ensure that UK Armed Forces are properly equipped and trained for the roles that our defence and foreign policies are demanding of them.

Private Military and Security Companies

We will establish a regulatory body for private military and security companies (PMSC) registered in the UK. All PMSCs will be required to register with this body and they will then either receive approval to operate as a PMSC or not. PMSCs will have to seek approval with the regulatory body before accepting operational deployments. A list of private military contractors that have been killed whilst in the service of these PMSCs will also be collated and published annually.

We will establish a regulatory body for private military and security companies (PMSC) registered in the UK. All PMSCs will be required to register with this body and they will then either receive approval to operate as a PMSC or not. PMSCs will have to seek approval with the regulatory body before accepting operational deployments. A list of private military contractors that are missing or killed whilst in the service of these PMSCs will also be collated and published annually.

We will push for an international regulatory body and statutes for PMSCs around the world, possibly administered through the UN. The international body could potentially incorporate both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers.


@Xyleneb - about 7 years ago

If you review and approve it, then please also remove issue #434


@anilliams - about 7 years ago

All good changes. 👍