Ridesharing and Carpooling



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2591 days

@Autumn-Leah edited transport.md - about 7 years ago

Consult with leading cycle planning countries on setting down these standards.

Ridesharing and Carpooling

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center for those on low or no workplace income and would utilise services such as Uber as a means of proof for bringing unemployed people into the taxiing profession and as a way to encourage self-employment.

Driverless and Automated Vehicles

Work with automobile manufacturers to establish ways of providing infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.


@Xyleneb - about 7 years ago

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

I take it some 650 MPs will all be carpooling to work too?

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center

"Have you considered doing some ridesharing today?" "Yeah thanks for that, but we're all unemployed and can't afford to run a car."

Ahh yes, the top-down finger wagging that means well...

The best I could do for the policy is abstain from the vote.


@ghost - about 7 years ago

It's not supposed to be the sole function of the job center, I just see it as an additional thing that those with cars could be encouraged into alongside traditional jobs.

Getting MPs to carpool would also be a great idea. I'll add that to the policy.

@Autumn-Leah edited transport.md - about 7 years ago

Consult with leading cycle planning countries on setting down these standards.

Ridesharing and Carpooling

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center for those on low or no workplace income and would utilise services such as Uber as a means of proof for bringing unemployed people into the taxiing profession and as a way to encourage self-employment.

As part of this push, MPs localised near each other would be encouraged to carpool around and on the way to parliament, which would double as a method to encourage cross-party conversation and out-of parliament policy deliberation.

Driverless and Automated Vehicles

Work with automobile manufacturers to establish ways of providing infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.

@Autumn-Leah edited transport.md - about 7 years ago

Consult with leading cycle planning countries on setting down these standards.

Ridesharing and Carpooling

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center for those on low or no workplace income and would utilise services such as Uber as a means of proof for bringing unemployed people into the taxiing profession and as a way to encourage self-employment.

As part of this push, MPs localised near each other would be encouraged to carpool around and on the way to parliament, which would double as a method to encourage cross-party conversation and out-of-parliament policy deliberation.

Driverless and Automated Vehicles

Work with automobile manufacturers to establish ways of providing infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.


@philipjohn - about 7 years ago

Could we expand PSA please? Acronyms are nice but cause confusion to those who don't already understand them.

Also not overly keen on mentioning Under directly too, given they are becoming something of a Marmite (yes, i get the irony of using another brand in that sentence ;) ).

Vote: ✅

@Autumn-Leah edited transport.md - about 7 years ago

Consult with leading cycle planning countries on setting down these standards.

Ridesharing and Carpooling

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's (Public Service Announcements) we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center for those on low or no workplace income and would utilise services such as Uber as a means of proof for bringing unemployed people into the taxiing profession and as a way to encourage self-employment.

As part of this push, MPs localised near each other would be encouraged to carpool around and on the way to parliament, which would double as a method to encourage cross-party conversation and out-of-parliament policy deliberation.

Driverless and Automated Vehicles

Work with automobile manufacturers to establish ways of providing infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.


@ghost - about 7 years ago

Expanded the acronym for you. Uber is just an example, I can put "for example" or "ridesharing services such as Uber" if you like.

@Autumn-Leah edited transport.md - about 7 years ago

Consult with leading cycle planning countries on setting down these standards.

Ridesharing and Carpooling

Through a series of targeted marketing campaigns and PSA's (Public Service Announcements) we would encourage carpooling, especially for parents and those on the same street with a shared workplace, or workplaces in reasonable walking distance of each other.

Ridesharing would be promoted through The Job Center for those on low or no workplace income and would utilise ridesharing services such as (but not limited to, and purely for example) Uber, as a means of proof for bringing unemployed people into the taxiing profession and as a way to encourage self-employment.

As part of this push, MPs localised near each other would be encouraged to carpool around and on the way to parliament, which would double as a method to encourage cross-party conversation and out-of-parliament policy deliberation.

Driverless and Automated Vehicles

Work with automobile manufacturers to establish ways of providing infrastructure to support driverless vehicles.


@ghost - about 7 years ago

Adjusted it for you


@philipjohn - about 7 years ago

Thank you!

Vote: ✅