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3755 days

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

War on Drugs

We will end the unwinnable war on drugs. Recreational drug use will be legalised under a program of regulation.


A single, secular oath will replace the current options for witnesses in all court proceedings.

Specifically outlaw 'religious courts' and implement rigorous protection regimes for whistleblowers.

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

Create an elected Upper House of Parliament for single 15 year terms, with the explicit purpose of revising and improving (not vetoing) legislation initiated by HM Government in the House of Commons.

Abolish automatic bishops from the House of Lords.


Require all MPs to publish details of any meeting with any individual or group who is not a constituent.


Devolve all legislative powers currently enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament to equivalent devolved Parliaments in England, Wales and (eventually) Northern Ireland. The UK Parliament to retain control over macro-economic, foreign, and defence policy.

Devolve all legislative powers currently enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament to equivalent devolved Parliaments in England, Wales and (eventually) Northern Ireland. The UK Parliament to retain control over macro-economic, foreign, and defence policy.

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

published: true

What policies should we propose to give our children a good education?

What policies should we propose to give our children a good education?

Secular Schools

50% of the British public identify as having no religion, and this number is growing[1] but over half of all state funded schools have a religious character[2], including over 4,500 Church of England schools. It has been demonstrated that faith schools are religiously selective, excluding those of other or no faith[3].

Therefore, we will mandate that all state-funded schools be secular in nature.

No state funded school will be permitted to admit students based on religiosity.

We will end compulsory worship in schools.

State-funded faith schools will also lose their exemption to equalities legislation, preventing them from practising religious discrimination in their employment policies.

Religious education (R.E.) will also be reviewed, starting with research on the current state of R.E. and followed by a consultation to include all interested parties on whether to keep R.E., reform it, or replace it.

Scottish authorities will no longer be legally obligated to appoint unelected religious representatives to school boards. Instead, elected councillors will be appointed by a vote of the full council.

  1. British Social Attitudes Survey (pdf)
  2. Maintained Faith Schools, Department for Education
  3. Fair Admissions Campaign
@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

published: true

What policies should we propose to improve the fabric of society?

What policies should we propose to improve the fabric of society?


With 50% of the British public having no religion, including 64% of 18-24 year olds[1], Britain is no longer a Christian country and as such it's official status as such will be removed. Britain will become a secular nation under a Secularism Act.

Human rights are paramount, because we are all human but not all religious. No-one should be restricted from practising their religious beliefs unless those beliefs infringe on the human rights of others. Equally, the non-religious or those of other religions, should be free of interference from religions. So we will enshrine in law two principles; * Freedom from religion and * Freedom of religion

Disestablishment of the Church of England.

Ending prayers in Parliament and local government.

When Government seeks advice from religious groups they will also be required to consult groups representing of non-theists.

All human rights exemptions for religious organisations, such as discrimination in recruitment, will be revoked.

Religious organisations operating public services will be explicitly banned from promoting their religion in the process in order to protect vulnerable members of society.

Religious individuals delivering public services wishing to conscientiously object will be limited from doing so in all but the most extreme cases (e.g. doctors and abortion).

  1. British Social Attitudes Survey (pdf)


@Floppy - over 10 years ago

I was thinking about just this earlier today. Nice one. 👍

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

War on Drugs

We will end the unwinnable war on drugs. Recreational drug use will be legalised under a program of regulation.


A single, secular oath will replace the current options for witnesses in all court proceedings.

Specifically outlaw 'religious courts' and implement rigorous protection regimes for whistleblowers.

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

Create an elected Upper House of Parliament for single 15 year terms, with the explicit purpose of revising and improving (not vetoing) legislation initiated by HM Government in the House of Commons.

Abolish automatic bishops from the House of Lords.


Require all MPs to publish details of any meeting with any individual or group who is not a constituent.


Devolve all legislative powers currently enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament to equivalent devolved Parliaments in England, Wales and (eventually) Northern Ireland. The UK Parliament to retain control over macro-economic, foreign, and defence policy.

Devolve all legislative powers currently enjoyed by the Scottish Parliament to equivalent devolved Parliaments in England, Wales and (eventually) Northern Ireland. The UK Parliament to retain control over macro-economic, foreign, and defence policy.

@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

published: true

What policies should we propose to give our children a good education?

What policies should we propose to give our children a good education?

Secular Schools

50% of the British public identify as having no religion, and this number is growing[1] but over half of all state funded schools have a religious character[2], including over 4,500 Church of England schools. It has been demonstrated that faith schools are religiously selective, excluding those of other or no faith[3].

Therefore, we will mandate that all state-funded schools be secular in nature.

No state funded school will be permitted to admit students based on religiosity.

We will end compulsory worship in schools.

State-funded faith schools will also lose their exemption to equalities legislation, preventing them from practising religious discrimination in their employment policies.

Religious education (R.E.) will also be reviewed, starting with research on the current state of R.E. and followed by a consultation to include all interested parties on whether to keep R.E., reform it, or replace it.

Scottish authorities will no longer be legally obligated to appoint unelected religious representatives to school boards. Instead, elected councillors will be appointed by a vote of the full council.

  1. British Social Attitudes Survey (pdf)
  2. Maintained Faith Schools, Department for Education
  3. Fair Admissions Campaign
@philipjohn edited - over 10 years ago

published: true

What policies should we propose to improve the fabric of society?

What policies should we propose to improve the fabric of society?


With 50% of the British public having no religion, including 64% of 18-24 year olds[1], Britain is no longer a Christian country and so its official status as such will be removed. Britain will become a secular nation under a Secularism Act.

Human rights are paramount, because we are all human but not all religious. No-one should be restricted from practising their religious beliefs unless those beliefs infringe on the human rights of others. Equally, the non-religious or those of other religions, should be free of interference from religions. So we will enshrine in law two principles; * Freedom from religion and * Freedom of religion

Disestablishment of the Church of England.

Ending prayers in Parliament and local government.

When Government seeks advice from religious groups they will also be required to consult groups representing of non-theists.

All human rights exemptions for religious organisations, such as discrimination in recruitment, will be revoked.

Religious organisations operating public services will be explicitly banned from promoting their religion in the process in order to protect vulnerable members of society.

Religious individuals delivering public services wishing to conscientiously object will be limited from doing so in all but the most extreme cases (e.g. doctors and abortion).

  1. British Social Attitudes Survey (pdf)


@Floppy - over 10 years ago

@PaulJRobinson is your agreement on the whole thing? The comment and diff above is only on a small part - there is a lot more.


@PaulJRobinson - over 10 years ago

Yeah 👍 for the whole thing. Sorry I thought I was commenting on the whole PR of secularism. Didn't realise I needed to do that for each of the four files that have been amended.