


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (277):

State Title Floppy's vote
Discrimination in Physical Education Autumn-Leah
Adjustments to the House of Citizens policy Autumn-Leah
New page for gender equality and a summary of our current position Autumn-Leah
Removed Egalitarianism section Autumn-Leah
Lords Spiritual Autumn-Leah
Reforming magistrate courts Autumn-Leah
Be more assertive about IPv6 philipjohn
explicitly link drug, alcohol, tobacco and public health themes BT-John
Student unions Autumn-Leah
Fair Use Autumn-Leah

Proposed (130):

State Title
MPs expenses, second homes, and wages. 3766d 2 0 0 Floppy
Some thoughts on environmental issues 3766d 2 0 0 Floppy
Add some basic policies on the NHS 3766d 2 0 0 Floppy
add logo image 3814d 0 0 0 Floppy
Better contributing method 3826d 0 0 0 Floppy
Add a few basic principles, and some background reading links. 3894d 0 0 0 Floppy
Fix links 3895d 0 0 0 Floppy
Further jekyllification 3899d 0 0 0 Floppy
Convert to jekyll 3900d 0 0 0 Floppy
Add some more introduction and guidelines 3900d 1 0 0 Floppy