


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (277):

State Title Floppy's vote
A starter for ten PaulJRobinson
Thoughts on those with locked-in syndrome PaulJRobinson
Few other ideas on Foreign Policy PaulJRobinson
Quick one relating to the steps government agencies should have to take for surveillance of letters/emails/web traffic etc. PaulJRobinson
A few thoughts on the priorities for UK Defence Policy PaulJRobinson
A few suggestions for the democracy page. PaulJRobinson
Proposed Insulation programme policy frankieroberto

Proposed (130):

State Title
Storage of all campaign materials 2606d 2 0 0 Floppy
National Investment Bank 2622d 0 0 0 Floppy
Introduce a right to shelter 2624d 2 0 0 Floppy
Ban killer robots 2624d 2 0 0 Floppy
Rebalancing the rentier economy 2632d 2 0 0 Floppy
Lobby internationally against the death penalty 2632d 2 0 0 Floppy
Reformat the devolution section 2632d 2 0 0 Floppy
Refine house of lords policy a little 2640d 2 0 0 Floppy
Reorganise sections 2641d 2 0 0 Floppy
Remove heading at start of education page 2681d 2 0 0 Floppy