


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (0):

State Title LudovicD's vote

Proposed (5):

State Title
(human-made) added to ownership 2530d 1 2 0 LudovicD
added basic hygiene products (toilet paper, etc) to no VAT on tampons 2530d 2 0 0 LudovicD
updated the living wage figure (outside London) (+mention of London figures hour & year) 2530d 2 0 0 LudovicD
specification in buisness tax (vs taxes on household) (revnue vs profit) 2531d 0 2 0 LudovicD
updated the living wage figure (outside London) (added to no tax on tampons, other hygiene products) 2531d 0 0 0 LudovicD