


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (145):

State Title PaulJRobinson's vote
Replace extradition with UK based trials jthub
Make argument on devolution more sohpisticated mikera
Adjust income for MPs mikera
Add link to CLAhub Floppy
Randomly-selected second chamber Floppy
Add Rebooting Democracy to reading list Floppy
Update Proxenia
Revisit aviation policy if they can become carbon neutral Floppy
Spelling mistakes Floppy
Repeal bedroom tax Floppy

Proposed (50):

State Title
Delete Recall 3718d 0 0 2 PaulJRobinson
Introduce fixed duration campaign lengths for By-Elections 3719d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Move from Closed Party Lists to STV for European Elections 3719d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Use of Open Primaries for Candidate Selection 3728d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Reform of the UN Security Council 3734d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Abolish Employer's contribution towards National Insurance 3734d 1 1 0 PaulJRobinson
State Honours 3734d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Updated PR on creating a network of electric vehicle charging units 3749d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Updated cycle policy 3750d 4 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Beyond High Speed 2 3750d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson