


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (41):

State Title andrewdwilliams's vote
Addition to Housing - Housing Associations OliverJackson1
Intro to communication section OliverJackson1
Included hydrogen as an alternate fuel as well as electricity. glynnchaldecott
Added a new section OliverJackson1
No killer robots please Floppy
Transport: allocate road space to bus lanes h2g2bob
Ban public officials from standing for another elected position philipjohn
Added policy on European Parliament. iconoclast86
De-list the PKK digitalWestie
Separation of executive and legislature Floppy

Proposed (24):

State Title
Creating a British Overseas Territories section 3088d 3 0 0 andrewdwilliams
Introduction for economy section 3093d 2 0 0 andrewdwilliams
Homeopathy 3250d 1 1 0 andrewdwilliams
City of London Reform Policies 2 3262d 2 0 0 andrewdwilliams
City of London Reform Policies 3262d 0 0 0 andrewdwilliams
EU Policies added 3270d 0 0 0 andrewdwilliams
Parliamentary representation of Overseas Territories 3270d 0 0 0 andrewdwilliams
Expanded religious courts section 3270d 2 0 0 andrewdwilliams
Removing the undue influence of the City of London in Parliament 3287d 2 1 0 andrewdwilliams
Examine Beeching Cuts Effects 3298d 3 0 0 andrewdwilliams