


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (0):

State Title andrewedmondson's vote

Proposed (8):

State Title
legalise Humanist marriage 3298d 2 0 0 andrewedmondson
secular Remebrance Day 3298d 3 1 0 andrewedmondson
secular chaplaincy in the military 3298d 0 2 0 andrewedmondson
secular chaplaincy and rehab in prisons 3298d 0 2 0 andrewedmondson
secular chaplaincy in the NHS 3298d 0 1 0 andrewedmondson
modified 50% non-religious 3298d 3 0 0 andrewedmondson
end SACREs, modified percentage of non-religious (50-62) and percentage of faith schools (30%) 3298d 0 0 0 andrewedmondson
remove bishops from house of lords, disestablish the church of England, create a secular state, 3298d 2 1 0 andrewedmondson