


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (260):

State Title philipjohn's vote
Transferring Personal Income Tax Allowance whether married or not PaulJRobinson
Immigration PaulJRobinson
Adopt the Declaration of Internet Freedom Floppy
EU membership policy Floppy
Link to the Bridge report by Compass Floppy
Make public sector use renewable power Floppy
Net neutrality Floppy
Make the Press Complaints Commission independent of the press industry Floppy
Close down tax havens Floppy
Stop secret contracts Floppy

Proposed (59):

State Title
Rename Code of Conduct file to take advantage of Github feature 2536d 1 0 0 philipjohn
Maintain fox hunting ban 2540d 2 0 0 philipjohn
End speaker democratic deficit 2557d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Refine school uniform policy with reasoning. 2561d 1 1 0 philipjohn
Majority needed for constitutional change 2561d 1 0 1 philipjohn
Children and Families section 2568d 2 0 0 philipjohn
National school uniform 2575d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Free school meals for all primary school children 2575d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Abolish PCCs and re-establish Police Authorities 2586d 2 0 0 philipjohn
End Academisation 2586d 2 0 0 philipjohn