


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (260):

State Title philipjohn's vote
Housing Cooperatives Autumn-Leah
Alternative medicine Autumn-Leah
Dentistry, slight change in grammar Xyleneb
Ridesharing and Carpooling Autumn-Leah
Reducing the carbon emissions of taxis Autumn-Leah
Equality in rape law Autumn-Leah
Changes to school uniform regulations Autumn-Leah
Discrimination in Physical Education Autumn-Leah
Adjustments to the House of Citizens policy Autumn-Leah
Contributing guide Floppy

Proposed (59):

State Title
Rename Code of Conduct file to take advantage of Github feature 2531d 1 0 0 philipjohn
Maintain fox hunting ban 2535d 2 0 0 philipjohn
End speaker democratic deficit 2552d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Refine school uniform policy with reasoning. 2556d 1 1 0 philipjohn
Majority needed for constitutional change 2556d 1 0 1 philipjohn
Children and Families section 2563d 2 0 0 philipjohn
National school uniform 2570d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Free school meals for all primary school children 2570d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Abolish PCCs and re-establish Police Authorities 2581d 2 0 0 philipjohn
End Academisation 2581d 2 0 0 philipjohn