Duty to ensure that hustings take place



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3351 days


@Floppy - about 9 years ago

To allow a little more flexibility in how the hustings are delivered, the duty is for the councils to make sure that one happens, not necessarily to run one.

@Floppy edited manifesto/democracy.md - about 9 years ago

Reduce the age of voting at Local Elections (ie to non-legislative bodies) to those aged 15 to encourage youth participation in democracy prior to enjoying full voting right at 16.

We'll give the Electoral Commission and local authorities a new responsibility to enable and/or host local election hustings between all the candidates in general elections.

The Electoral Commission and local authorities will be given a a new duty to ensure that at least one independent public hustings between all the candidates in general elections takes place, and is promoted to all constituents

Recall of Representatives

[^1]: Do we need a written constitution? - The Constitution Society [^2]: Campaign against royal secrecy

@Floppy edited manifesto/democracy.md - about 9 years ago

Reduce the age of voting at Local Elections (ie to non-legislative bodies) to those aged 15 to encourage youth participation in democracy prior to enjoying full voting right at 16.

We'll give the Electoral Commission and local authorities a new responsibility to enable and/or host local election hustings between all the candidates in general elections.

The Electoral Commission and local authorities will be given a new duty to ensure that at least one independent public hustings between all the candidates in a general election takes place, and is promoted to all constituents.

Recall of Representatives