


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (260):

State Title philipjohn's vote
Move detail into footnotes on economy page Floppy
Limited time in office Motobiman
Replacing VAT with a Luxury Goods Tax Xyleneb
added basic hygiene products (toilet paper, etc) to no VAT on tampons LudovicD
Use of crypto and local currencies areteh
Added sub section to improve competition and market operation areteh
specification in buisness tax (vs taxes on household) (revnue vs profit) LudovicD
Adjustment to arms policy Autumn-Leah
Multiple Changes Polygon48k
Generalise the equality section Floppy

Proposed (59):

State Title
Local democracy proposal 3757d 0 0 0 philipjohn
Review of juries 3761d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Police personal cameras 3761d 0 0 0 philipjohn
Living wage as income tax threshold 3763d 1 0 0 philipjohn
Decriminalise drugs...the beginning 3763d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Open candidacy 3764d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Adding solar panel mandate 3764d 3 0 0 philipjohn
Denists on the NHS 3764d 2 0 0 philipjohn
Adding National Infrastructure Organisations policy 3764d 1 0 0 philipjohn