


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (58):

State Title Autumn-Leah's vote
Added a comment to the ##War on Sex. RobertWootton
Dual-booting the political economy. RobertWootton
Free to choose an alternative economic (operating) system. RobertWootton
Added soldier welfare section and Innovation Centres policy BrotherSideways
Reduction of the Rationale in Tax Policy Xyleneb
Egalitarian Ammendment to the Non Discrimination Principle Xyleneb
No party leader can stand as an MP simonneb
Small Crime & Justice Repeal Xyleneb
Added a new section on flooding simonneb
Suggestions for the future of the BBC dartiss

Proposed (35):

State Title
Accountability of elected representatives 2509d 2 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Wording change 2509d 3 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Change to non discrimination principle 2509d 2 1 0 Autumn-Leah
Resubmission: Adjustment to arms policy (further edits re: genocide) 2509d 2 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Resubmission: Changes to School Uniform Regulations 2509d 2 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Resubmission: Equality in Rape Law 2509d 1 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Adjustment to arms policy 2540d 0 2 0 Autumn-Leah
National School Uniforms, my contentions and regrets 2540d 0 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Repealing mass surveillance 2593d 2 0 0 Autumn-Leah
Re-evaluation of policy on the PKK 2593d 2 0 0 Autumn-Leah