


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (145):

State Title PaulJRobinson's vote
Consituency overrides philipjohn
Remove government-mandated net filtering Floppy
Publication of council minutes, votes, etc Floppy
Create a written constitution Floppy
Remove the undemocratic whips system philipjohn
Spreading the science love philipjohn
Housing philipjohn
Add publications to the national archives philipjohn
Change to a republic Floppy
Update lynnjbird

Proposed (50):

State Title
Propose changes to Goods and Services attracting Standard Rate of VAT 3766d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Quick couple of thoughts 3770d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A starter for ten 3770d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Thoughts on those with locked-in syndrome 3770d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Few other ideas on Foreign Policy 3770d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Few ideas on society 3770d 0 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Quick one relating to the steps government agencies should have to take for surveillance of letters/emails/web traffic etc. 3771d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A few thoughts on the priorities for UK Defence Policy 3771d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A few suggestions for the democracy page. 3771d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A Post on the Failure of Representative Democracy 3800d 0 0 0 PaulJRobinson