Open Proposals

This page lists suggested changes to the manifesto. Open proposals are ready for comments and must be voted on before they can be included in the manifesto. You can only vote on proposals if you have already successfully contributed a change to the manifesto.

To create your own proposal:

  1. pick a subject you are interested in,
  2. find a suitable page in the manifesto,
  3. click on the "Suggest a change" button!
State Title

Closed Proposals

State Title
secular chaplaincy in the NHS 3303d 0 1 0 andrewedmondson
modified 50% non-religious 3303d 3 0 0 andrewedmondson
end SACREs, modified percentage of non-religious (50-62) and percentage of faith schools (30%) 3303d 0 0 0 andrewedmondson
remove bishops from house of lords, disestablish the church of England, create a secular state, 3303d 2 1 0 andrewedmondson
Devolve minimum wage policy 3303d 2 2 0 digitalWestie
Added policy on European Parliament. 3304d 4 0 0 iconoclast86
Improvement 3306d 1 0 0 Iconocast86
Examine Beeching Cuts Effects 3309d 3 0 0 andrewdwilliams
De-list the PKK 3309d 2 0 0 digitalWestie
Repatriation of the Chagossians and revocation of the Chagos MPA 3310d 3 0 0 andrewdwilliams