


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (145):

State Title PaulJRobinson's vote
Forbid new fossil fuel extraction Floppy
Adopt the Declaration of Internet Freedom Floppy
Make the public sector pay a living wage philipjohn
EU membership policy Floppy
Link to the Bridge report by Compass Floppy
Make public sector use renewable power Floppy
Net neutrality Floppy
Make the Press Complaints Commission independent of the press industry Floppy
Close down tax havens Floppy
Stop secret contracts Floppy

Proposed (50):

State Title
Propose changes to Goods and Services attracting Standard Rate of VAT 3765d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Quick couple of thoughts 3769d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A starter for ten 3769d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Thoughts on those with locked-in syndrome 3769d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Few other ideas on Foreign Policy 3769d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Few ideas on society 3769d 0 0 0 PaulJRobinson
Quick one relating to the steps government agencies should have to take for surveillance of letters/emails/web traffic etc. 3770d 2 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A few thoughts on the priorities for UK Defence Policy 3770d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A few suggestions for the democracy page. 3770d 1 0 0 PaulJRobinson
A Post on the Failure of Representative Democracy 3799d 0 0 0 PaulJRobinson