


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (16):

State Title digitalWestie's vote
An end to Consumption and Consumerism PaulJRobinson
Introduce overseas constituencies tmtmtmtm
Minimum wage Floppy
Recognise Palestine Floppy
3-member STV for general elections Floppy
Purpose of the United Kingdom frabcus

Proposed (12):

State Title
Insert conditions for the de-listing of PKK as violence has returned to Turkey 3150d 2 0 0 digitalWestie
Devolve minimum wage policy 3300d 2 2 0 digitalWestie
De-list the PKK 3306d 2 0 0 digitalWestie
Adopt land value taxation 3427d 1 0 0 digitalWestie
Support worker owned enterprise 3453d 0 1 0 digitalWestie
An open registery of land ownership 3480d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
Parishes and CCs as the seat of LA policy making 3484d 0 1 0 digitalWestie
LA power to encourage/discourage behaviour re: waste collection & recycling 3485d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
UK to declare itself nuclear arms free zone 3487d 3 0 0 digitalWestie
Make local government local 3489d 0 0 1 digitalWestie