


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (277):

State Title Floppy's vote
Testing the UI roonsterwithey
Prime Minister line of succession andrewdwilliams
Reducing Corruption in local government andrewdwilliams
Expanding the role of the IPCC andrewdwilliams
Section on private military contractors andrewdwilliams
Lobbying section andrewdwilliams
Creating a British Overseas Territories section andrewdwilliams
Introduction for economy section andrewdwilliams
Transport: allocate road space to bus lanes h2g2bob
Insert conditions for the de-listing of PKK as violence has returned to Turkey digitalWestie

Proposed (130):

State Title
Small grammar fix in EU policy 3300d 2 0 0 Floppy
Separation of executive and legislature 3319d 3 0 0 Floppy
Some general statements on taxation 3326d 2 0 0 Floppy
3-member STV (at least) 3333d 2 0 0 Floppy
0.8% of GDP for science funding 3338d 3 0 0 Floppy
tiny formatting change 3341d 0 0 0 Floppy
tiny formatting change 3341d 0 0 0 Floppy
tiny formatting change 3341d 0 0 0 Floppy
Stop closed cabinet meetings on Horsham council 3342d 2 0 0 Floppy
Oppose gatwick expansion in Horsham manifesto 3342d 2 0 0 Floppy