


Not voted on yet:

State Title

Voted on (277):

State Title Floppy's vote
legalise Humanist marriage andrewedmondson
secular Remebrance Day andrewedmondson
modified 50% non-religious andrewedmondson
remove bishops from house of lords, disestablish the church of England, create a secular state, andrewedmondson
Devolve minimum wage policy digitalWestie
Added policy on European Parliament. iconoclast86
Examine Beeching Cuts Effects andrewdwilliams
De-list the PKK digitalWestie
Repatriation of the Chagossians and revocation of the Chagos MPA andrewdwilliams
I added that the government should be re-organised to a bottom-up structure rather than a top-down. cowlesz

Proposed (130):

State Title
Remove the fixed-percentage escalator on state pensions 2522d 1 1 0 Floppy
Triple lock on NHS funding 2522d 1 2 0 Floppy
End state funding of free schools 2522d 2 0 0 Floppy
Remove charity status from private schools 2522d 2 0 0 Floppy
Triple lock for education funding 2522d 2 0 0 Floppy
improvement to non-discrimination principle 2524d 2 0 0 Floppy
Move detail into footnotes on economy page 2524d 2 0 0 Floppy
Generalise the equality section 2551d 1 1 0 Floppy
Remove local areas 2551d 2 1 0 Floppy
Add Changing Places toilets in large public places 2558d 2 0 0 Floppy